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この歩道者w 頭良さそうなのに、、計算できなくてワロたw めっちゃぶつかってんじゃん!! これは歩道者が悪いようにも見えるけど・・・確かにバイクさんもスピード出しすぎかと思う。

Road accident between motorcycle and pedestrian along Sims Avenue. The rider of the motorcycle, Richard Quek, has this to say: “My vision was obscured by stationary vehicles on the right side of the road. In addition, I was not speeding, and in fact keeping in the limit of approximately 50km/h. The pedestrian dashed out from nowhere. Due to the obstructed line of sight and his negligence, I have suffered multiple facial fractures , a toe fracture, blood clot in my brain/head, loss of 2 front teeth and impaired vision in my right eye due to nerve damage. I’m praying that I’ll be able to see again one day if the healing process continually gets better. I thank everyone who wished me a speedy recovery. As of now, I’ve been discharged from the hospital but have incurred serious injuries disallowing me to work or perform daily duties. All I can do is wait for time to heal all wounds. As for the pedestrian, I do not wish any form of hate on him, I just hope he learns from this situation and is more mindful in the future. To all road users out there, be extra cautious especially in the location of Sims Ave where people always seem to be jaywalking. Next: To everyone disputing about the fault or the scenario, I hope you guys would kindly stop and take time to learn from the situation. There is no point pointing the finger anymore from this point onwards. Let’s take a step towards safer road usage both motorist and pedestrians. God bless.” We echo Richard Quek’s call for safer road usage and wish both ther rider and the pedestrian speedy recovery. STOMP article here: http://tinyurl.com/jy9lqxp (Video Source: Stomp Straits Times)

Posted by Beh Chia Lor – Singapore Road on Friday, December 25, 2015
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