シンガポール ポケモンゴー 事情!
人集まりすぎてHOUGANGら辺がヤバいかもな件。 はじめはこの写真だったかな?シンガポールでもアメリカほどクレイジーになるんじゃないかと思ったのは。これ見て、シンガポールの人も好きなんだねと思ったよ。
SGAG on Friday, August 12, 2016 信号無視!赤信号みんなで渡れば怖くないだしね!こっちも!
Pokemon Go rally This is you when you see a Dragonite Posted by Mothership.sg on Friday, August 12, 2016
Sea of Pokemon hunters storm across road Hougang Ave 10 to Pun… Sea of Pokemon hunters storm across road Hougang Ave 10 to Punggol Park, blocking oncoming cars and buses http://bit.ly/2aLzJ28 Posted by Stomp on Friday, August 12, 2016
The persistent Pokemon Go fans of Hougang POKEZOMBIES? At 4am, dozens of resolute #PokemonGo fans were still camping out to catch ‘em all near Blk 401 Hougang Ave 10. The crowd, which hit several hundreds at its peak, left an unsightly trail of litter and overflowing rubbish bins in its wake – http://bit.ly/2aWOylY Posted by TODAY on Thursday, August 11, 2016