またシンガポールの道路事故動画でーすー これは見た中で一番酷いかも。 賞状か何かあげたいよw
I Hope This Guy Gets Arrested[SINGAPORE] When I saw how this car came from no where … I thought for sure one day, he will kena one. But little did I know he was actually gonna crash a few secs later (you can hear the bang)!! So is it true? Hit and run!?! コイツ。。ひどっ!! 横から入ってきて、絶対事故るでしょと思ったら、マジで事故った件。 てか8台当て逃げしたらしいよ。 ひどいね。 ┴┤ω・)・・♪ Follow us for more Japanese+Singapore Media and News♡Posted by Helloあsia Singapore on Tuesday, August 11, 2015