Cyber Japan Girls’ new outfit too much info pls!!


Current Month

Cyber Japan girls thought they were more decent types.. Think they used to be girls who go around clubs and perform on stages But looking at these, maybe they gonna debut? Their image wise? Altho sometimes skimpy, but a clean image
A photo posted by CYBERJAPAN Staff (@cyberjapan) on

But I think this out fit too much

Not sure what this was for? BUT too much info pls!! too much too much!!

And what happens if you dance with that?

Lagi too much info pls!
A video posted by ryo.k (@ryo1091rk1091) on

A photo posted by わたり (@w.t.r_14.3) on

A video posted by わたり (@w.t.r_14.3) on
I can imagine, if they had boyfriends.. They would be kinda jealous no? Would you allow your gf to perform for fame?

Anyway, to think positively

Well at least we got something to beat those Korean dancers no? We got the Cyber Japan girls to fight head to head with Bambino girls!

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