Death Note’s Ryuk PPAP Parody Liao


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The Deadly (?) Boom of PPAP! Ryuk From Death Note (デスノート)also Does PPAP?!?! whyliddat Okay, I am quite sure ALL OF YOU knows what’s Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen by now… The boliao video done by Jipunese comedian, PikoTaro. It’s so annoying to me, I almost wanted to smack that primary school kid next to me at McDonald’s for his repetition of this song. But hey, I tahan-ed this cancer just to write this a deadly variation of PPAP, okay. Please continue reading. And that is… Ryuk from Death Note doing the PPAP… Complete with actual (I think lah) apples and pineapples. I can’t believe how shiok he looks doing it… (okay this sounds wrong) Oh god look at that face. At least he knows to use actual apples and pineapples… And that’s a cool pen. Okay, as much as PPAP is viral, as much as they wanna promote the new Death Note Movie, this seems a bit… boliao. Okay lah entertainment value I give it a 10/10. And ya I guess it’s soooo sooooooo much better than our local ‘Professional’ talents’ try to copy cat cheeko cat. But for making me listen to the catchy-and-irritating-as-heck video? -120/10.

The art works of Mediacorp Singapore

The Vegetable man And this auntie..
Join the Gameshow! Be Cash Struck!The PPAP video to end all PPAP videos. Posted by Mediacorp Channel 5 on Wednesday, October 19, 2016
  Oh hey Ryuk writing in his death note!!!!! (Please, write down the name of who made you do this… If you do, I’ll rest my case.) Heh but I guess this was a paid production.. so I guess that Piko Piko aqua wins again!! If you too, want to pollute your ears (again), here’s the link to the video:

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