One of the Most chilling Abduction caught on Video


Current Month

Real life drama on Nagoya Japan Streets

Wah, this like the movies man!!! That scream tho!!! So basically this happened in 2001 Sept!
  1. 10 men with helmets attack 1 dude
  2. By first shooting at him, and try to abduct him
  3. A lady notices, screams on his behalf for help
  4. One of the culprits, shoots again when the man was in the car booth
  5. Also, shoots at the screaming lady, which the bullet hits her neck (survives)
  6. Abducted man found dead on the bottom of river in concrete filled drum
Most of the men were arrested, but 2 Japanese Brazilians.. And those 2 Brazilians were just arrested in Brazil Victim was a handsup shop owner in Japan.
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