Ryan-san is the new Pikachu?


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A new Pokemon film is based on the “Great Detective Pikachu” game.

Image result for pikachu the great detective And words from the street say that popular Hollywood star Ryan Reynolds will the voice of Pikachu. confused monkey what GIF by namslam

How interesting!

Then again, Detective Pikachu movie sounds like it’s going to be a break from Pokemon tradition in a number of ways. https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTM2NzI0ODY1MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzQwNTIzMw@@._CR353,40,1458,1092_UX614_UY460._SY230_SX307_AL_.jpg The plot, according to Hollywood Reporter: “The story is kicked into gear when Smith’s character’s father is kidnapped, forcing the teen to team up with Pikachu in order to find him.” Also heard that the Pikachu part for the film is gonna be “motion-capture” role. But we are not sure if Ryan will be handling that aspect either. As for fans, best be prepared for a Pika-Pika-Pika-Pika that sounds totally different from before.   Source: IMDB, Japan Today
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