Batman and ninja is same lor [vid]


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Batman a ninja?

Do U all noe anot, the hero of Gotham City is also essentially a ninja. interesting batman GIF  

You dun believe ah?

He wears black one. Come see the bad guys quietly, fight and then run before the they even realize. Same like ninja right? His Gotham City lahh.. the spoil sport one. It’s very modern and western, that’s why make Batman not so ninja. But lemme tell U arr..this new anime exactly shows how ninja the Batman is. Go watch lah, then you can tell me you also think Batman is so awesome because he is a ninja. Relaxed Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY   Source, images: Rocketnews, YouTube/ワーナー ブラザース 公式チャンネル
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